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  • Comped memberships may not be transferred or sold.
  • If someone is Comped, and they send us in a pay-for registration, we do not 'blindly' accept the reg. Send mail back to the person, and ask them what they want to do. They can use the comp this year, and apply their payment to next years attendance, or take the paid membership they just sent in and transfer it to someone else.
    We'd like to discourage refunds, but if they insist, we can do a refund.
  • If someone earns a comp at A04, they're not eligible to get a worker comp for A05
    by "worker comp" in that sentence I mean a comp for this year
    If I work A04, I get a comp to A05 or A06 at my choice
    I can also get a comp to A04 if I'm brand new in A04
    but once I have gotten a comp to A05 from working A04, I can't get *another* comp to A05 by working A05
    my work at A05 qualifies me for an A06 (or A07 if I ask) comp
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Page last modified on December 25, 2004, at 02:37 PM