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Registration Procedures for Arisia '05

Pre-Reg Mailing:

Pre-Reg packets will be mailed out, containing pre-reg and at-event pricing. They will have a return address at the PO Box for Arisia in town. On-Line registration should be ready by the time the pre-reg packets go out, so that folks can pre-reg online after they receive the flyer. They'll also be able to mail in a check or credit card if they prefer.
Shayde (or a reg staff lackey) will make every effort to pick up at the PO Box on a regular basis, and key in whatever is needed as the pre-reg's come along.

Online pre-registration:

Online pre-reg will go live the same time the pre-reg packets are mailed out, allowing anyone to sign in and register for the event. Scheduling will be posted to the site with pricing informatioin and schedule for price changes. Shayde and/or a reg lackey will monitor pre-reg's and approve them as they come into CONGO.

Membership Upgrades

Attendees can do at-con upgrades at the registration desk. Members can only upgrade from a 1-day to a full-weekend membership by paying the balance of the membership. IE, a Friday only reg ($20 at event) can upgrade to a full membership by paying $30.
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Page last modified on July 20, 2004, at 05:08 PM