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Solutions (log entries should be: your initials, reg ID, comments)
11/13/04 Dupe: Dave Anderson (10074 bad, 10071 good)SBT
11/13/04 Dupe: Michael Anderson (10072 bad, 52229 good and db_program) SBT
11/13/04 Melinda Berkman (92927 bad) is dup of Melinda Berkman-Stinchfield (4337 good) SBT
11/13/04 Dupe: Steven Aines - 4027 (good), 92859 (bad) LKW
11/13/04 Dupe: Geoffrey Haigh - 39358 (good), 53622 (bad) LKW
11/13/04 Dupe: Rick Katze - 27192 (good), 11833 (bad) LKW
11/13/04 Dupe: Cory Laidlaw - 37834 (good), 40446 (bad), 93185 (bad) LKW
11/13/04 Dupe: Jennifer Lee - 12061 (good), 5468 (bad) LKW
11/13/04 Dupe: Matthew Paine - 38025 (good), 37732 (bad) LKW
11/13/04 Dupe: Cristin Scott - 37841 (good), 92830 (bad) LKW
11/24/04 Dupe: Nancy Shapiro - 39601 & 39882 LKW
11/25/04 Dupe: Nicolai Plum - 53026 & 92832 LKW
11/30/04 Dupe: Elizabeth Bartley (92854 and 52316) SBT
11/30/04 Dupe: Anne Park - 39883 and 52096
12/23/2004 Dupe: Robert S. Cruikshank (26783) good and Robert Cruikshank (27659), bad SBT
12/29/2004 Dupe: Laura Kovalcin, 92893 good and 40117 bad and db_program SBT
9/2/2005 Dupe: Dabid Gibbs, 4266 (good) and 14075 (bad) SBT\\ 9/6/2005 Merge: Daniel Bear Turner (52573, good) with Daniel Turner (badge name Daniel Bear, 93619) 9/10/2005 Dupe: merge Chris Lavin (93258, good) with Christian Lavin (37837) 11/2/2005 Dupe S. G. Luperti Boehm 52314 (good) and 93526 SBT 11/18/2005 Dupe Elizabeth Bowser 52984 and 93864 lkh
12/10/2005 Dupe Steven R Balzac (6647 good and 93655 bad) -- db_program, tag moved to 6647 SBT
10/16/2006 Dupe John Francini (11151 bad, 94474 good) SBT

Martin Hunter -- reg type (comp) is correct, amount paid (50) should be 0. My bad. SBT

CONGO Bugs (log entries should be your initials, comments)
11/13/04 Hotkey for "Search Again" button on coconut interface doesn't work SBT
11/14/04 Registration screen should say "Register!" at the bottom, not 'Continue' dbs
11/14/04 Need 'Kid-In-Tow' registration type (Done) dbs
11/14/04 Buttons on reg detail page wrap :(
11/14/04 Contact editor needs real buttons (Done) dbs
11/14/04 Tring to register someone without an email address fails with a 'error online 109 of post_register.php' (Fixed)
11/14/04 Search again, on no matches, has no accesskey, and needs a Cancel dbs
11/14/04 If a Regnote is added to a registrant, ther's no way for 'joe operator' to clear it. dbs
11/29/04 Need ability to search by email address dbs
12/01/04 When you make a change to an email address (status anyway) and there is more than one email address, one gets deleted. lkw
12/01/04 Need a way to transfer a membership to another person. lkw
12/01/04 Need a way to transfer a membership to another year. lkw
12/01/04 Desperately need a way to merge records. lkw
12/01/04 Sort the properties alphabetically, please. lkw
12/01/04 Fix the labels on the hist page. They don't match the db columns. lkw
12/14/04 'Location editor' 'create' is misisng icons and hotkeys dbs
12/14/04 'Continue' after creation should hotkey on 'o' to be consistent. dbs
12/14/04 Why doesn't the 'Send confirmation email' checkbox stay checked between registrations? dbs
12/14/04 Create new location should automatically go to Type pulldown on load dbs
12/23/2004 "address sharing" doesn't always appear at the same place on the properties list SBT
12/23/2004 Confirmation email template sometimes defaults to "email-1" and auto-fills "" as CC address and sometimes defaults to "new template" and does not autofill SBT
12/29/2004 Need a "Main Menu" or "Cancel" button when a search doesn't locate any matching records. SBT
1/4/2005 When you get bored, a search by address and/or email would be useful. SBT
1/4/2005 When someone is registered and then unsubscribed and then re-subscribed, they aren't recognized as registered. LKW
1/25/2004 We talked at event about adding a button that would make info entered at the kiosk replace existing address info. SBT\\

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Page last modified on October 17, 2006, at 10:16 AM