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The Fast Track Provider supplies programming that will engage and amuse the 6 to 12 year old members of Arisia. This programming involves a minimum of video media (none at all in '05 and '06) and as much hands-on, interactive, creative, and/or educational time as can be managed.


1) Come up with ideas/pocket program blurbs for activities and programs appropriate for 6-12 year olds.

2) Find program participants who are good at and interested in working with children to deliver the programs.

3) Provide materials and space for free, undirected play.

4) Recruit sufficient staff for adequate supervision of 60-80 children ('06 numbers) in 4 program rooms.

5) Schedule program items so that there is a variety of things to do at any given time. EG: Program items that are mainly discussion are not well attended, especially if there is something much more interesting going on at the same time.

6) Work with the Masquerade Director, Stage Manager, and Green Room for Kamikaze Costuming group.


  • Development of Fast Track programming ideas should largely coincide with the rest of programming brainstorming so that the items can be signed up for through the normal channels.
  • It is useful for the Fast Track schedule to be fairly firm when programming goes to schedule participants for adult panels.
  • Fast Track schedule should freeze with the rest of programming schedule to be printed in the pocket program and so forth.


  • Fast Track is not babysitting. We do not (and cannot, in our hotel contract, in the usual Fast Track space) provide snacks or meals. Nor can we restrain children unwilling to remain at Fast Track.
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Page last modified on February 15, 2006, at 01:40 PM