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Message sent to mailing list on 2005-11-02:

Hi folks,

There has been a change in our venue for Philcon. Instead of Franklin Hall A, which would have been the worst room I ever put on a show in, we will be in the Grand Ballroom, Salons G, L, & K. The downsides of this are that we don't get the room until Saturday, and there will be parties in the adjacent sections of the Grand Ballroom.

We will use Salon G for the main show area, either L or K for the green room, and the other one of those will be our entryway.

You can see a plan of the Marriot's Grand Ballroom at:

I'm told that the party in Salon H shouldn't be too loud, but that the one in salons A through F will be very noisy. Our hotel liaison is working on getting them to arrange their room so that their speakers point away from us. Hopefully that will work out.

I'm hoping that you are all up for working on the complete build on Saturday, instead of our original plan of getting the main build done on Friday and finishing up the details on Saturday. If not, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can make my plans.

Because of the compressed build schedule, I'm planning on pre-assigning jobs, including many things that tend to be dealt with on the spur of the moment.

Please look at the Philcon tech wiki, update information that you have put there, and add new information as appropriate. If you do change any pages, please put your name into the "Author" box in the edit pages, so that we know who is changing things. Also, if you can think of any issues that are not being addressed, speak up on our Philcon tech mailing list.

Thanks, David

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Page last modified on November 02, 2005, at 11:58 PM