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Inventorying the LMH equipment - things to check for:

  • Dimmers, control board, control cables.
  • Fresnels: count, lamp type(s)
  • Parcans: count, lamp type(s)
  • Barn doors, if any.
  • Edison extensions.

Pack up the equipment for Philcon.

I don't think we have the budget (money or power) for cyc lights. Even if we do, there is not room behind the stage for backlighting the cyc if we are to allow people to cross behind the stage. If we do find the money & power for cyc lights, we'll need to borrow a kneewall so that we can hide lights in front of the cyc. - DHS

I also don't think we have the budget for a follow-spot. - DHS

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Page last modified on November 12, 2005, at 09:41 AM