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We need one of:

  • 13 20-amp circuits (edison outlets scattered throughout Franklin A)
  • ???-amp 3-phase power, plus two 20-amp cicuits.
  • ???-amp 3-phase power, used in one of these ways:
    • Direct to dimmer pack which will provide two undimmed circuits.
    • To electrical panel which will break out a couple of 20-amp circuits and also power dimmer pack.
    • To a set of tees, which will provide power to dimmer and a breakout panel providing 2 20-amp circuits.
    • To a breakout panel providing 13 20-amp circuits.

For any of the 3-phase options, we will need:

  • Tails to camlock.
  • Camlock cables to run from power panel to use area. 200'? 250'? Remember that it will have to wend its way through an airwall closet.
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Page last modified on October 07, 2005, at 09:21 AM