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Franklin Hall A is large, but annoyingly full of pillars.

Cable runs from center stage, around pillars to house left, then to control area are about 200 feet long. If we move the control area to sit at house right of the service elevator instead of in front of it, we might need another 10 to 20 feet

We will need curtains to mask off the backstage area.

Control will be set on two stage platforms set end-to-end at the end of the room nearest the doors. (Dimensions of 16' by 6', with the wide side facing the stage. Height should be 32".) They will either back up against the wall of the elevator shaft, or a corridor will be left behind them for costumers to enter. (In the latter case, we will need curtains.) On the platoforms will be a pair of long tables. Sound will need a full-depth table, so we might as well have both the same. We could fill the platform width with a pair of 8' tables, or have some space at the ends if all we need are 6' tables. Preferences, anyone?

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Page last modified on October 07, 2005, at 08:50 AM