Upcoming Events
Listed with nearest event at the top.
http://www.balticon.org Balticon 49 May 22-25, 2015
Past Events
Please list with most recent at the top.
http://www.balticon.org Balticon 44 May 28-31, 2010
http://www.anticipationsf.ca/English/Home Anticipation, the 67th http://www.worldcon.org/ Worldcon August 6-10, 2009, Montreal, PQ, Canada
http://www.balticon.org Balticon 43 May 22-25, 2009
http://www.neffa.org/ Neffa 2009 April 24-26, 2009, Mansfield, MA
http://www.arisia.org/ Arisia 2009 January 16-19, 2009, Cambridge, MA
http://2008.philcon.org/ Philcon 2008 November 21-23, 2008, Cherry Hill, NJ (Just outside of Philadelphia.)
http://www.albacon.org/ Albacon 2008 October 10-12, 2008, Albany, NY
http://www.demconvention.com Democratic National Convention Aug 25-28 2008 Denver Colorado
http://www.denvention3.org Denvention 3 August 6-10th, 2008, Denver, Colorado
http://www.pcfest.org/ Potomac Celtic Festival June 14, 2008, Leesburg, VA
http://www.balticon.org Balticon 42 May 23-26, 2008
http://www.neffa.org/ Neffa 2008 April 25-27, 2008
{{Balticon41}} May 25-28, 2007
http://www.neffa.org/ Neffa 2007 April 20-22, 2007
{{Neffa 2006}} April 21-23, 2006
{{Lunacon06}} March 17-19, 2006
Arisia.HomePage Arisia06? January 13-15, 2006
Philcon2005.HomePage Philcon 2005? December 9-11, 2005
{{Balticon 39}} May 27-30, 2005
{{Neffa 2005}} April 8-10, 2005
{{Lunacon05}} March 18-20, 2005
Arisia.HomePage Arisia05? January 14-16, 2005
{{Philcon04}} December 10-12, 2004
{{Albacon04}} October 8-10, 2004
{{Noreascon Four}} September 2-6, 2004
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