Registration documents and links for Arisia '05 and A'06. A lot of this info is from A'05, but will be updated for A'06 as time allows.
People of Note:
- Buzz Harris - Conchair
- Jack Dietz - Division Head: Member Services
- Dave Belfer-Shevett - Registration Head
- Sarah Twichell - Registration kick-boy
- Lisa Holsberg - Database lackey
- {{How To Register}}
Proper way to register someone for Arisia in CONGO
- {{A06 Comps}}
Up to date list of comps processed from A'06.
- {{A06 Volunteers}}
Current list of reg volunteers.
- A05Policies
Policies for Arisia Registration
- A05RegProcedures
Registration procedure document for A'05.
- A05Volunteers
Volunteer schedule and timeline
- A05TimeLine
Timeline of dates, with status of each milestone.
- A05RegTech?
Technical documentation for systems, software, locations, nd maintenance. Handy reference in case Something Goes Wrong and Dave Is Not There [tm] [reg us pat off]
- A05Rates
Rates and schedule for memberships - this will contain all the membership information regarding how much memberships cost, when the rates change, and how other membership types are cataloged.
- A05Comps
Up to date 'comp' list for A05. This is updated by the reg staff.
- A05Solutions
A place to log bugs in CONGO as well as things that need to be fixed in the database.